Sunday, August 25, 2013

Under-the-Skin Pimple DIY

One of the most painful beauty problems is under-the-skin acne. These are pimples that are too deep under your skin to be popped, and the slightest touch to this acne shoots a sharp pain through your face. I don't know about you but for some reason I ALWAYS get these pimples before special events... hormones, I know what you're doing! Lucky for you, I am here to show you an easy, quick, and pain-free way to reduce the swelling of these pimple monsters significantly. I have tried this method a few times and by the next day, my pimple has gone down by half the size. It really works.

This is just a super simple method that I thought up one day, using knowledge that hot steam opens pores and that Rosemary spice is good for skin and hair. Give it a try!

Here's all you need:

-A pot of water over the stove
-A small palm-full of Rosemary leaves
-A towel

1. Fill a pot with water until you reach your desired amount. I went almost 3/4 full.

2. Drop the small palm-full of Rosemary leaves into the pot of water.

3. Allow the water to boil.

4. Once boiling, take the pot off the burner and (I didn't show this part) laying the towel over the top of your head, place your face directly over the steam. DO NOT get too close! Instead, remain a comfortable distance away from the hot water. You want the steam to hit directly where your pimple is. Remain in this position for about 5 minutes. You should feel moisture on your face from the evaporated water.

That is all, my friends! Super simple, pretty quick, and actually effective. Seriously, every single time I've done this, the swelling has gone down significantly. It actually works! If you don't see results within the next few days, you might not have steamed your face long enough. Everybody is different; you may require a longer steaming than I do.

Let me know how this works for you! I'm curious to see if you have the same results I do! :)

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